SBA 504: It Matters Which CDC You Work With

When it comes to SBA 504 Loans, it matters which Certified Development Company (CDC) you work with.  Those who have investigated the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 504 financing options have probably seen a reference to a Certified Development Company...

SBA 504 Refinance Program Now Easier to Use

SBA published in the Federal Register a Final Rule on the SBA 504 Refinance Program that made the program easier to use.  The effective date of the Final Rule and changes is November 13, 2023.   SBA 504 Refinance Improvements Include The program is able to...

Understanding SBA 504 Pre-Payment Penalties

The SBA 504 pre-payment penalties are often misunderstood by both borrowers and industry professionals.  A question we often get is:  “Are there pre-payment penalties with SBA 504 Loans”?  The answer is yes, but it’s not as bad as you might think....

Your Financial Plans Should Include 504 Refinancing

Did you know, it is estimated that $900B in CRE loans will come due by the end of 2024?!  With interest rates on the rise, and the prime rate currently sitting at 8.5%, your financial plans should include refinancing with the 504’s below-market, long-term fixed...

Small Business Financing Designed for Small Businesses? Yes!

Small business financing that was actually designed to meet the needs of small businesses?  Sound too good to be true?  It’s not!   The decision on when to expand and/or relocate your business is a difficult one.  Two of the most recognized hurdles you may...

Benefits of Working with an SBDC

There are many benefits to working with a Small Business Development Center, or SBDC for short.  Here are just a few of the many benefits they provide…   1. Objective Feedback and Advice– from small business experts focused on YOUR best interests The SBDC...