Small Business Saturday is November 27, 2021

This November 27th, you can be a part of the 12th annual holiday shopping tradition called Small Business Saturday that helps to bring communities together in support of their favorite small businesses. Are you ready to Shop Small® and make a big impact in your...

Five Factors Impacting SBA Lending Right Now

There are many factors impacting SBA lending right now and SBA’s role has grown even more important in the past 18 months, having been charged with distributing various recovery resources aimed at helping small businesses strengthen, recover, hire, and grow.  This...

Why SBA 504 Loan Terms are Ideal for Growing Businesses

The purpose of all SBA loan programs is to provide businesses like yours with access to funding under reasonable terms…but the 504 loan terms were specifically designed to help grow and strengthen small businesses.  To accomplish this, they extend financing with...

Grow Your Manufacturing Business with SBA 504

October is Manufacturing Month, which offers the chance for us to celebrate and highlight the manufacturing industry’s many contributions to the state and nation.  According to the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, “The manufacturing industry is a powerhouse in our...

SBA 504 Has Lower Fees – Who Qualifies?

Good news!  SBA 504 loans approved October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022, will see lower fees.  The reduction in fees equates to about a 20 basis point lower interest rate.  So, with rates still low, and new lower fees, let’s dive into who qualifies for a...