There will be a slight fee reduction for SBA Loans approved on or after October 1, 2017…

Each year SBA reviews certain fees payable to SBA to determine if any of those fees need to be adjusted to cover the estimated subsidy costs of the 504 Loan Program.  For FY18, the fees associated with the 504 Loan Program will drop slightly.

  • Ongoing SBA Borrower Fee (Standard 504 Loan)  |  Reduced from 0.697% to 0.642%
  • Ongoing SBA Borrower Fee (Refinance)  |  Reduced from 0.731% to 0.682%
  • Upfront SBA Guarantee Fee  |  Continues to be zero

For more information about what to expect and when, download our reference guide:

Timelines: A Visual Reference of the 504 Loan Process